• Bondtech PI World San Francisco 2019 customer story

    A manufacturer of autoclaves, core lechers, and vulcanizers, Bondtech strives to be more than just a vendor. “We don’t want to just sell you a machine and then walk away,” Brainard said during his presentation at PI World San Francisco 2019. “If you’re buying our equipment, we want to be your forever partner.” But the dream of being a forever partner was costing Bondtech a lot of time and money. A lack of access to customers’ asset data was driving up maintenance costs and hindering the company’s ability to service machines once they were sold. Fortunately, Brainard had worked with the PI System before. “I knew the data historian and I knew the analytics capability. I knew of the notification capability. So I knew that I wanted to center the solution around [the PI System],” he said.
    Year: 2019

    How Data Infrastructure Improves Mill Analytics and Asset Performance

    Every pulp and paper mill faces the same challenge: optimizing production at the lowest possible cost. Decisions, such as rationalizing grade structures and enabling the supply chain to respond to shorter product life cycles, can have a critical impact on the bottom line. It can also mean the difference between efficient operations or shutting their doors. The key to optimizing production with no additional capital investment is a digital infrastructure that enables self-service access to operational data. In this exclusive OSIsoft webinar, you will learn with the help of real-time data from all your plant assets and control systems how users can optimize performance from every level and make critical changes that prevent production losses, increase output and preserve equipment health - all without complex technical knowledge of the data technology behind it.
    Year: 2019

    OSIsoft Names Michael Siemer Company President

    OSIsoft Names Michael Siemer Company President Wolfgang Kuchen also joins as Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing General 2019-07-24 San Leandro, CA- OSIsoft LLC , a leader in data technology for critical operations, is pleased to announce that Michael Siemer will join OSIsoft as President whi ...

    Strategic Approaches to Data Management and IT/OT Convergence

    As IT/OT convergence continues to rise, the proliferation of connected assets in the Power & Utilities industry has resulted in a massive increase in data availability. However, the sheer volume and variety of data has outpaced the ability to analyze it to develop actionable insight. So what can organizations do to maximize the value of the massive amounts of data available to them? Join experts from IDC and OSIsoft for this exclusive webinar where you will see how to leverage a strategic approach to data management and analytics for your power and utility assets.
    Year: 2019

    Intelligent Pattern Operation based on Big Data Analytics (Beijing Bluestar Company)

    Pattern operation monitor system is a visualization system based on big data analytics. It’s advanced operation mode versus classic parametric control mode in petrochemical processes. The system furnishes visual, intuitive and definite outcome for operators and engineers to avoid them ...
    Year: 2019