• Predictive Analytics of Harmful Algae Blooms

    Historically, organizations have done a very good job of collecting data, but a very poor job of understanding any of the data that was collected. This is changing. Watch this webinar to hear the City of Salem, Oregon's story about a cyanotoxin health scare in its finished drinking water and what the City is doing to prevent it from occurring again.You'll learn how the City of Salem is using momentum from this event to change the data culture from passive data collection to predictive data analytics. They are building harmful algae bloom (HAB) prediction software with the help of OSIsoft and The Prediction Lab. With advanced warning of a HAB formation, the City and public will be much better equipped.
    Year: 2019

    Mantenimiento Basado en Condiciones - Webinar

    En este webinar se dará un resumen breve del Mantenimiento Basado en Condiciones o CBM por sus siglas en inglés. Después de ello, se abordará un ejemplo de la vida real para aterrizar el tema. Se platica también de 4 formas diferentes para abordar el mantenimiento ya que el Mantenimiento puede ser implementado de varias maneras. Y finalmente se comparten algunos recursos adicionales, ya que en OSIsoft contamos con mucho contenido que se encuentra en línea que está disponible para descarga y uso de nuestros clientes. Existen herramientas que son de gran ayuda para ser exitosos y comenzar con la implementación del Mantenimiento Basado en Condiciones en su planta o empresa.
    Year: 2019

    Uniper PI World San Francisco 2019 customer story

    In 2016, Uniper embarked on a journey towards digital transformation. With numerous power plants and assets scattered across multiple locations in Europe, it was critical to use data to prevent catastrophic outages and make informed maintenance and repair decisions. A PI System user since 2000, Uniper opted to leverage the solution for everything from understanding vibration data to maintenance strategies for CAPEX planning. With this newfound visibility, the organization used operational data and the PI System to move closer to digital transformation — and achieve great results.
    Year: 2019

    General Atomics Aeronautical Systems PI World San Francisco 2019 customer story

    General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. is a Department of Defense contractor and leading manufacturer of remotely piloted aircraft systems, radars, state-of-the-art ground control systems, and electro-optic solutions. But with such diversity of business activities, General Atomics was facing several data-related challenges. Sharing information and data between business units was proving unduly difficult. “We're very vertically integrated and a lot of our organizations don't know what each other are doing,” said Russell Manson, Integration Automation Architect at General Atomics, during PI World San Francisco 2019. To address these and other challenges, General Atomics formed an internal team called the Manufacturing Center for Continuous Improvement (MCCI). With the help of the PI System and FogLAMP, Manson and his MCCI team soon found that they could harvest, display, and share data in an easy, intuitive way.
    Year: 2019

    Smart Equipment: The Opportunity, The Technology and the Challenges

    An increasing number of asset owners rely on data-driven aftermarket services. While service providers have ample expertise, they lack access to the real-time customer data that is needed for offering timely advice and making smart decisions. However, there are some who have made it possible to collect information in real-time store it in a central location where experts can visualize, analyze and share data. Learn how businesses across the globe are building out real-time data infrastructure to connect with their customers, partners, and assets to improve service quality, optimize processes, and deliver a faster time to market.
    Year: 2019