• Pervasive Data Collection(1)

    Gain insights and overview of OSIsoft's Pervasive Data Collection Products & Technologies. - PI Connectors and PI Interfaces - Edge Data Store - Open Source devices - OMF applications and connected sensors See benefits and constrast of Data Connectivity options ...
    Year: 2019

    OSIsoft Ranked Number One in IoT Platforms

    OSIsoft Ranked Number One in IoT Platforms for Industrial Applications in New Report OSIsoft’s PI System achieves top score over PTC, GE and others in annual PAC RADAR analysis General 2019-09-16 San Leandro, CA.  OSIsoft LLC , a leader in data intelligence for critical operations, was named Best in Cl ...

    Digital Twins: Myths vs. Reality

    In today's IT-OT convergence, enterprises around the world are beginning to use the term, digital twin, which is a new way to represent physical assets on the plant or performance level with animated data. However, sometimes it's difficult to know where to start, and if it's the right solution for some businesses. Join us for the next OSIsoft webinar with our special guest, Will Hastings, PLM Analyst with ARC Advisory Group. He will be joined by OSIsoft Industry Principal, Enrique Herrera, to cover the current state of asset health and performance data collection using the latest technologies for digital twins to create new solutions for KPI monitoring, event identification, and anomaly detection of business operations.
    Year: 2019

    Improving SCADA Information Management with Real-Time Data Infrastructure

    As the ability to gather time-series data grows, more technologies are becoming available to help us make sense of the information. However, managing data from multiple sources and turning it into business insights can present a daunting challenge. In this webinar, you will learn how this influx does not have to be a burden and we will teach how to transform your facility's data into making impactful actions.
    Year: 2019

    Improving Healthcare Facilities Operations with Situational Awareness

    Hospitals have traditional facility systems, but they are required to met unique challenges to ensure the reliability and quality of patient care, while trying to reduce operating costs. The facility is critical to the mission of every hospital, and there must be operational transparency to ensure everything from hot water temperatures, operating room air changes and differential pressure are meeting requirements. This webinar discusses the importance of real-time situational awareness in safe, resilient and efficient healthcare facilities. You will learn how to: - achieve operational transparency gain the value of a real-time situational awareness platform - define a central historian and the data-driven concepts it enables - obtain one common operating picture of a facilities environment ...
    Year: 2019