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    Year: 2019

    The market of IoT platforms – dominated by complexity and fast evolution

    The market research and strategic consulting firm teknowlogy | PAC has published the PAC RADAR Platforms for IoT & AR in Europe 2019. It is the broadest analysis of the vendor landscape around newly emerging topics in the context of ...
    Year: 2019

    Analytics in manufacturing: Lessons learned from those that are doing it

    Already impacting other industries from retail to transport, digitalization’s impact on the manufacturing industry has been slower. As manufacturers begin to invest, the paybacks can be significant, but the challenges can also be many. This presentation will introduce findings from ...
    Year: 2019

    Enterprise Historian in Air Liquide

    Brief history of the deployment of an OSISoft PI based enterprise historian solution within the Air Liquide Group, from early 2000s to today, where the project reached global scale after the incorporation of the America's region and the signature of ...
    Year: 2019

    Advanced Data Analytics for Predictive Maintenance of Carbon Black Manufacturing Plant

    Orion Engineered Carbons runs Carbon Black production sites all over the world operating multiple process equipment including rotary dryers and large-scale heat exchangers. To increase production line availability through improved reliability Orion is focusing on improving planning ability by damage ...
    Year: 2019