• Student Education – Keeping Pace with Industry Trends: TransCanada Sees a Need for New Skills

    For TransCanada to be the industry leader in customer service and to meet the demands of our extremely competitive industry, we must operate safely and efficiently with a high degree of reliability. To do support this effort, we see the skills of our staff changing over time. Where once we hired engineers who had skills in classical engineering, we now need to add deeper skills in analytics and today’s data science techniques. Keary will review several projects from the TransCanada portfolio and highlight how the skill needs have changed as the PI System, the industry and TransCanada have matured.
    Year: 2018

    Centralised Data Strategies for Modern Oil & Gas Operations

    Oil & Gas industry is increasingly looking to move towards a data driven and technology focused way of working. Although in principal, this may sound relatively straightforward, however, the reality is that things have become a lot more complicated since many first deployed their real-time historian technologies. This webinar covers the challenges and the best practices on building central data strategies that can support your organization with many different layers of applications, data analysis and automation, from the edge all the way to the cloud. Key Takeaways: - What is a real-time data infrastructure? How it can support such a centralized approach? - How and why the modern PI System differentiates itself from a traditional historian. - The role of the data infrastructure in supporting analytics in a modern Oil & Gas operation. - Success stories on having the right data strategies can quickly deliver millions of improved productivity, cost savings and healthier assets.
    Year: 2019

    3 Steps to Successful Regulatory Compliance in the Life Sciences Industry

    Stricter regulations have required life sciences companies to place even more emphasis on their regulatory compliance. Some of them use Electronic Batch Records (EBR) to report on their batch operations and to implement operational excellence programs to improve KPI's like OEE. They also monitor their processes in real-time in order to optimize the entire supply chain. These processes generate a vast amount of data. The term most pharmaceutical companies use today is Data Integrity, which is all about the data trustworthiness, data accessibility, and data quality during the entire product lifecycle. So how do you deploy a single source of truth that allows individuals to acquire this information in a fast, secure, and consistent way regardless of its origin? In this webinar, learn how life sciences companies use the PI System to improve regulatory compliance, increase throughput, reduce time-to-market, and improve knowledge management.
    Year: 2019

    Best Practices in Port Automation

    Digital Transformation is changing the port industry at an alarming rate, and economic growth is driving an expected increase in demand for these services. So how do you plan ahead for this growth and ensure all facilities achieve peak performance levels? Learn how port operators are using their historical and real-time data to optimize their service with greater efficiency, saving costs through condition-based maintenance, and using real-time predictive data to avoid expensive and hazardous incidents. In this webinar, you will learn: - Current challenges facing port automation to balance the needs and resources in this ever changing landscape - Ideal ways and methods to transform data to make the entire port supply chain more resilient - Best digital transformation practices for ports to build critical data infrastructure to enhance operation and business processes ...
    Year: 2019

    Biocosta: Caso de Implementación de PI System y resultados

    Caso de éxito presentado por Biocosta, empresa que genera valor en la agroindustria de aceite, al ser el principal exportador de aceite de palma así como producir el único. Su sistema ERP (SIESA) se diseñó para el cálculo de cuentas y finanzas para un proceso por lotes (Control de piso) y su proceso continuo químico (justo a tiempo). Tenían la necesidad de convertir variables continuas en discretas en un periodo de tiempo corto para que sus sistema ERP lo pudiera identificar.
    Year: 2019