• From data to action: Leveraging data to support the nickel value chain

    To increase production and meet the challenges posed by the variability of different mining processes, the Société Le Nickel (SLN), a subsidiary of Eramet Group, decided to set up an integrated operations management centre (CUPIDOM). The considerable variety and number ...
    Year: 2021

    Integrating building science with data science at AUROS Group

    The tools and technology today enable building owners to reach very low energy and healthy building performance without spending a premium in construction costs. Fuel poverty, inequitable indoor air quality, pandemics, and poor outdoor air quality demand that we change ...
    Year: 2021

    Decentralized Industrial Analytics using OSIsoft suite of products

    In this talk, we present a decentralized industrial analytics platform based on the PI System. The design of our platform was shaped by extensive interviews with industry veterans and experts which yielded major pain points like cost, latency, manpower requirements ...
    Year: 2021

    Increase asset reliability and safety with world class asset performance(1)

    To compete in disrupted and changing markets you need reliable operations that drive peak asset performance. Join Kim Custeau, VP Asset Performance Management and MES, to learn about AVEVA’s strategy of comprehensive digital twin and AI technology to optimize reliability ...
    Year: 2021

    Enable enterprise agility, sustainability and collaboration across operations with Value Chain Optimization

    High market volatility, disrupted supply chains and rapidly evolving energy landscape requires unprecedented enterprise agility and collaboration across the entire operations value chain. Join Harpreet Gulati, Senior VP Planning and Operations business, to learn how AVEVA's value chain optimization solution ...
    Year: 2021