• Making Older Equipment Smart with Low-Cost Sensors

    Summary: This talk will appeal to attendees who: • Want to monitor older equipment • Want to save money or is on a budget • Are concerned about harmful environmental levels • Are concerned about equipment failure What is the problem this talk attempts to solve? • How do I ...

    Mining responsibly & sustainably: BHP's environmental monitoring solution using PI System &a(1)

    BHP must demonstrate environmental responsibility by minimizing impacts and contributing to an enduring environmental legacy throughout every stage of its operations. This involves taking a wide range of measurements, identifying trends over time, and raising events if defined tolerances are ...
    Year: 2021

    Bring Context and Analytics to PI Server Data

    Having data is a great first step, but operations don’t look like squiggly lines on a trend – they look like machinery transforming materials into goods. In this talk, we’ll show how to take raw data and bring in its ...
    Year: 2021

    Visualizing PI Server Data

    Every business relies on its operations to keep it profitable, but no business has the workforce to keep eyes on everything at all times. PI Vision is a smart visualization platform that enables analysis by exception and leverages PI Server's ...
    Year: 2021

    OCS Data Science Enablement

    The power of collecting data is in the analytics we can do with that data to improve processes. Starting with devices in the field, we will show how to bring that raw data in, give that data structure, and use ...
    Year: 2021