• Proactive instrument maintenance with OSIsoft products

    FHR has spent the last year and a half building out tools within the PI System, Asset Framework (AF), and other products to support a maintenance program for our instruments. FHR will present an overview of how the PI System ...
    Year: 2021

    AVEVA Project Execution & Engineering Information Management

    The model data that is created in the engineering phase of the capital project informs the construction planning and procurement activities required to execute the project. All of this engineering and execution data is then aggregated and handed over to ...
    Year: 2021

    SDG&E’s Data-driven community-based approach to attain grid reliability and sustainability

    San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), a subsidiary of Sempra Energy, serving 3.4 million customers in San Diego and southern Orange County, has undertaken grid modernization initiatives to accommodate intermittent renewable energy, manage growing DER-distributed energy resources, and enable efficient ...
    Year: 2021

    Driving long-term competitive advantage at North American Construction Group (NACG)

    Operating one of the largest fleets in North America, NACG wanted to shift to predictive maintenance to lower costs and increase availability, creating an even more compelling business case for their leasing clients. Having tried several other systems, they found ...
    Year: 2021

    The digital transformation of Jirau Hydropower plant operation through PI System deployment

    Jirau Energia and UNIFEI (through Jirau's R&D Program regulated by ANEEL - the Brazilian power market regulator) are currently working on an R&D project to optimize the power plant operation. The PI System is the center of the solution in development, ...
    Year: 2021