• Performance Management - Turning Data into Dollars

    Maintaining profitability in a challenging business environment is not easy; especially when you're in the midst of fundamentally changing a company's operating culture. As Millennium accelerated its transformation to Operational Excellence, it also made the decision to deploy the ...
    Year: 2003

    Potable and Waste Water Monitoring using the PI-UDS and Visual Basic

    With the increase of urbanization and the rise in the number of people utilizing municipal potable and waste water systems, the monitoring of key water quality indicators has reached a critical stage. However, monitoring is not the only vital procedure ...
    Year: 2002

    A New Business Model: Web hosting for Real-Time Customer Collaboration

    Secure Web hosting of realtime data allows manufacturers to use remote expertise for increased profits.This paper overviews how a catalyst vendor plans to use web hosting services from Industrial Evolution and OSI technologies to access realtime data ...
    Year: 2002

    Introduction to RtReports

    A basic introduction to the new OSIsoft product - RtReports. Powerful and accurate, RtReports is a new OSIsoft reporting product in addition to the PI System that manages and generates electronic batch reports that will satisfy even the most ...
    Year: 2003

    On-Line Control of Oil Derivates Production in a Refinery

    HISTORY - In September 1999, Landulpho Alves Refinery, aiming for cost reduction and continuing improvement of its production processes, decided to implement the use of online data acquisition systems that made it possible the observation, in real time, of the operational ...
    Year: 2002