• Redundancy, Performance and Security Strategies for Large PI 1st Systems

    This presentation will address issues unique to those customers charged with running large (100,000+ point) mission-critical PI installations. Drawing extensively from fieldwork performed at the California Independent System Operator (ISO), one of the largest PI installations in the world, the ...
    Year: 2002

    Sentinel, a Collaborative Real Time Performance Monitoring System

    Sentinel is a real time performance monitoring system tightly integrated with OSI PI. Sentinel utilizes real time and historical data from PI and calculates Key Performance Indicators in real time. KPI's can be user defined or the user can select ...
    Year: 2003

    Implementation of PI Historian for Substation Equipment Assessment at PECO - progress to date, lessons learned, and next steps

    The presentation will review the status of PECO's installation of PI Historian for the collection and analysis of power system substation status information to determine equipment health, and move to true condition based reliability centered maintenance. It will review ...
    Year: 2002

    The Million Point PI System—PI Server 3.4(1)

    As the PI Customer base has grown, so has the demand for larger systems. Just a few years ago 150,000 point systems were considered very large. Now there is demand for 1 million and even larger point counts. Of course, ...
    Year: 2003


    Most product development happens after the first release. OSIsoft continued development and extended scope and functionality of the PI OLEDB Provider. First priority was given to support the Module Database. Version 2 of PI OLEDB provides a relational view to ...
    Year: 2002