• PI on Ice - Diamond Data from Plant Floor to Board Room

    Diavik Diamond Mine Inc. (DDMI) has treated systems development as an integral part of the construction project when it built Canada's second diamond mine. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were defined to effectively manage operations when the mine went into production.
    Year: 2003

    Utilizing PI Programming Tools to Support Predictive Model Applications

    Neural network models were set up to take primary process inputs from PI and predict the values of paper strength properties in real time. Since the lab results weren't reported until up to 20 minutes later, this allowed for immediate ...
    Year: 2003

    PI Tag Tuning at SRS

    Brief background of SRS-Evolution of PI at SRS, with initial tag specification details-Using PI data for loop tuning disclosed the need for additional PI tag tuning (Examples showing real data with process fluctuations being missed in PI)-The tuning process, ...
    Year: 2003

    PI and Network Security Context

    We will present a study regarding the security of interconnection of office IT and industrial IT: New needs; new risks due to the evolution of DCS technology; the architecture selected and tested on different sites (installation of a firewall for ...
    Year: 2003

    Implementing and Administrating Redundant PI Advanced Computing Engine (ACE) Servers

    The California ISO recently implemented redundant PI-ACE servers to provide real-time calculations using PI data. Our unique structure was implemented with four identical production PI-ACE servers calculating results for four identical production PI-Data servers. The PI-ACE calculations were implemented to ...
    Year: 2003