• PI-enabled Real Time Off-site Meteorological Observations for Improved Short-term Wind Forecasting

    Renewable energy, especially wind energy, has been receiving unprecedented attention and investment in recent years. Even given the current economic climate, renewable energy will still remain an important component to the energy policy of many countries. The key factor to ...
    Year: 2009

    Securing PI and Using PI to Detect Cyber Attacks

    In Digital Bond's Portaledge project we are writing ACE modules to use PI to detect cyber attacks. This turns the PI Server into a Security Event Manager product specifically for control systems. Security events from a wide variety of control ...
    Year: 2009

    Development and Implementation of Power plant Operation and Maintenance Management System (POMMS)

    There have been many changes of the electric industry in Korea since 1998. Specifically, electric generation was separated from KEPCO (a public enterprise) as five subsidiary companies based on the electric trading system. ERP & EAM have been the main ...
    Year: 2009

    Automated Creation of Elements and PI Points at Chevron

    Chevron's MidContinent/Alaska Business Unit looked to implement a centralized process data historian to aggregate field data and make it easily available for consumption by business applications. Chevron used OSIsoft PI as the data historian and AF2.0 to store meta-data, to ...
    Year: 2009

    The Data Center Dashboard

    The Data Center Dashboard (Dashboard) is built in collaboration between Accenture and OSIsoft. The Dashboard is a real-time monitoring solution that consolidates data from different systems, both facility and IT, to allow a single comprehensive view into the data center, ...
    Year: 2009