• Putting it All Together: Assemble PI System Reports and Displays into Status Dashboards

    OSIsoft presenters demonstrate how to publish PI ProcessBook displays to Microsoft SharePoint, publish PI DataLink reports to SharePoint, and then build dashboards with PI WebParts that present these and other dashboard components on a SharePoint site. We also describe some ...
    Year: 2011

    OSIsoft vCampus: Community at Your Service

    This presentation will focus on presenting the value OSIsoft vCampus brings to the end-user and system administrators’ community. An OSIsoft vCampus team member will be joined by two outstanding non-OSIsoft Community members to review some basic facts and values offered ...
    Year: 2011

    Unlock Your Data with PI Data Access(1)

    With all the new releases in 2010 and the upcoming ones in 2011, the PI Data Access family of products is more complete and more functional than ever. Whether you wish to integrate PI System data with your other business ...
    Year: 2011

    Exploring the Value of an Asset Centric PI System in PI System 2010

    Do you have PI Tags with arcane names in your PI Server that no one can remember? Do you wish you can organize all your data from multiple PI Servers in an asset centric fashion, using names such as pumps, ...
    Year: 2011

    PI for StreamInsight

    PI for StreamInsight is a new upcoming product from OSIsoft enabling the Microsoft StreamInsight stream processing platform to perform analytics on the PI System data streams. Developers can build .NET applications with Language Integrated Queries (LINQ) to process events from ...
    Year: 2011