• Real-Time Information System (RTIS) – High Availability Project at RasGas

    RasGas deployed a High Availability PI Server for the PI System in March 2010 to meet a number of growing business needs and challenges. RasGas chose PI HA to address the growing number of users, interfaces, and data and to ...
    Year: 2011

    Use of the PI System in the Smart Meter Systems Landscape

    The presentation will discuss how the PI System is used as a key component of the technology stack in the British Gas Smart Metering program. Playing a role in the E2E customer journey and billing process, the PI System provides ...
    Year: 2011

    E.ON UK’s Journey with the PI System

    This presentation will follow the journey of E.ON UK’s PI System implementation since the standardization to one plant data management system across the fleet. We will discuss the way PI System was initially used to communicate with the DCS and ...
    Year: 2011

    20 years of Managing and Operating Israel Electric Company with the PI System

    Israel Electric Company (IEC) - a government company and the prime electric utility in Israel - currently has a total generating capacity of circa 12,000 MW. IEC operates 55 generating units, across 14 sites while using the PI System as ...
    Year: 2011

    Routine Process Monitoring Using PI WebParts to Build the Perfect Dashboard

    Routine Process Monitoring is important to Eli Lilly: an intimate knowledge of manufacturing, technology and site dynamics, coupled with resilient compliant integrated assets, allows Eli Lilly to create information that enables the curious to achieve world class performance. OSIsoft products ...
    Year: 2011