• PI System Roadmap(17)

    This presentation will describe the continuing evolution of the PI System. We will summarize the major PI System releases in the past year and detail the release plans for the coming year.
    Year: 2011

    Cogeneration Plant Dispatch Optimization Software and The Resulted Fuel Saving

    Cogeneration Plant Dispatch Optimization Software and The Resulted Fuel SavingHear from our PI System user how they maintained total fuel cost at lowest possible using an in-house developed software (Optimizer) at the Glow Cogeneration Plant. The PI System was used ...
    Year: 2011

    San Diego Gas and Electric End-to-End Energy Value Chain

    Sempra Energy has been a PI System customer for several years; with multiple PI Systems deployed across its Enterprise, from Electric Generation, LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas, Wind/Solar, Electric Transmission & Distribution Operations, Substation Maintenance, Gas Transmission, Gas Distribution and ...
    Year: 2011

    PI System Based MODICOSEN (Dynamic Monitoring and Control of National Power System) for CFE

    As demands for grid stability and reliability have increased, real-time monitoring of the grid has become increasingly important. The Mexican national utility company, Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), understands that a WAMS (Wide Area Measurement System) can be used for ...
    Year: 2011

    How the PI System Supports California ISO Operations and Grid Reliability

    California Independent System Operator (CAISO) is a nonprofit public corporation created by State of California. It manages the flow of electricity, ensures reliable operation of the grid, and facilitates market for day-ahead, real-time energy & ancillary services. CAISO serves 30 ...
    Year: 2011