• PI ProcessBook: What’s Here, What’s Coming

    Did you know you can play back a period of time using your existing displays? Did you know that you can convert your Module Relative displays to use the new PI Server 2010 platform? Did you know that you can ...
    Year: 2011

    Business Intelligence with the PI System and PowerPivot(1)

    The release of PI OLEDB Enterprise 2010 and Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010 provide an exciting combination of new technologies that support advanced data analysis and enterprise awareness. These tools bring the power of multidimensional data analysis to the forefront ...
    Year: 2011

    Integration Approach Werum PASX to OSIsoft’s PI System and Process Systems

    Part of the Johnson & Johnson group, Janssen Pharmaceutica is one of the most innovative pharmaceutical companies in the world. The use of the PI System has led to better decisions and ongoing improvements such as: reduced cycle times, superior ...
    Year: 2011

    Analyzer Reliability System Based on the OSIsoft PI System in MOL Refining and Marketing Division

    This presentation explores the paradigm shift that moved MOL Group Refining Division from using OSIsoft's PI System as a high performance, plant-wide historian to the foundation for enterprise value creation across the Petroleum Refining Division of the company. The days ...
    Year: 2011

    SI² Project - Repowering the Electricité de France Industrial Information System

    The erection of two CCGT power plants in France has given Electricité de France (EDF) Thermal Division the opportunity to rebuild its Industrial Information System with the OSIsoft PI System as a core component. The SI² Project will provide EDF ...
    Year: 2011