• Avebe: Transformation to a Datadriven Organization

    The presentation will be about the digital tranformation of Avebe, the Operations strategy, the Manufacturing IT strategy and the role of OsiSoft and partner TrendMiner in this tranformation. Also the importancy of partnership (Enterprise agreement) will be in the presentation ...
    Year: 2018

    Exploring Blockchain Technology with OSIsoft Research, Streamr and Blocxs

    OSIsoft Research is actively exploring blockchain technology together with a number of partners. We are working together with Blocxs, a blockchain startup company based in Amsterdam. Blocxs has performed a case study on how the PI System could be used ...
    Year: 2018

    The Usage of PI Analysis and SQC to Reduce Deviations in Fill Finish Lines.

    In the past, several recent events in Abbott Nutrition have revealed the lack of knowledge of critical process parameters, lack of data collection and review, Abbott Nutrition vision is to be a company where Process Control is used to characterize ...
    Year: 2018

    Implementing the PI System with Internal Resources

    DRT (Dérivés Résiniques et Terpeniques) has made the decision to implement the PI System to get better values from its assets since February 2016. Starting from scratch and using only internal ressources the project team has deployed a range of tools ...
    Year: 2018

    Deep Dive into Real Business Use Cases and Tangible Benefits with the PI System in Shire

    Shire will be sharing some PI use cases where a successful PI System Implementation was key for overcoming several Business Challenges with a positive outcome. It also will show how today's daily activities for different personas based on the plants ...
    Year: 2018