• Operational Challenges & Strategy in the F&B Industry

    In this presentation we will present an introduction to the challenges we face with our clients in the F & B sector: - Increase in demands for regulatory compliance, Need for visibility in processes, cost reduction, demands for continuous improvement... ...
    Year: 2018

    Optimizing Predictive Maintenance at Barrick Gold by Integrating Asset Data and Process Data

    Historically, process data and asset data have remained in separate worlds. Technological advancements in wireless connectivity, sensors, cloud computing and AI are paving the way for integration of process control data and asset condition data. For industries, this translates to ...
    Year: 2018

    How Dredging Benefits From Self-Service Advanced Data Analytics

    The Belgian dredging, environmental and marine engineering group DEME is an international market leader and global solution provider for complex marine engineering works, the development and construction of renewable energy projects, services for the oil, gas and energy sector, and ...
    Year: 2018

    Spirit Energy - How Making Data Visible and Actionable in Real Time is changing our Organization

    This presentation details the PI System journey for Spirit Energy over the last 18 months. The company transformed its PI System landscape from one based on spreadsheets and replicated HMI screens to one that visualises critical data in real time ...
    Year: 2018

    State of the Art OEE Application on top of the OSIsoft PI System

    Beginning of 2018, after a short market analysis, it became clear that the market was lacking a state of the art OEE application fully leveraging on the capabilities of the OSIsoft PI System. End of March 2018, Actemium, together with ...
    Year: 2018