• Delivering Value from Realtime Data Infrastructure to Achieve Operational Excellence

    In this session, Shell will share their journey with PI System & their experiences of using PI system as a Realtime Data Infrastructure. Explain high level Realtime Data Architecture at Shell integrating complex realtime systems, IT systems across all upstream, mid-stream and down-stream operations. Data Contextualization and standardization helped for faster deployment across Shell Operations including adapting new Technologies.
    Year: 2019

    Digital Transformation and Enterprise Infrastructure Approach

    In Part 1 of this technical keynote, we cover PI System’s role as the backbone of an open data infrastructure in your digital transformation journey. In asset intensive industries (oil & gas, power generation, renewables, metals & mining, pharma, cement etc.), OT - operations technology - data includes SCADA, IoT, machine condition, MES and any other meta data that adds context and enriches instrument/sensor measurements. With a layered approach to fit-for-purpose analytics, the PI System enables your digital transformation to evolve through descriptive/diagnostic/predictive/prescriptive operation or reactive/preventive/predictive maintenance, and others. We will use illustrative customer examples and demos to walk you through the scenarios. The talk will also include new OSIsoft technologies in the roadmap - edge data store (EDS) and OSIsoft Cloud Services (OCS).
    Year: 2019

    The PI System: Empowering People to do Successful Analytics(1)

    Today, analytics is promising to deliver new efficiencies within industrial operations. To maximize the value of industrial analytics, you need a strategic approach that considers different perspectives across your enterprise while minimizing delays and failures from data inaccessibility, intensive data processing, and poor data quality. A successful industrial analytics strategy requires a data infrastructure approach that fosters trust and is optimized for enterprise-wide operational analytics. This overview session introduces the latest trends within industrial analytics, highlights best practices for success, and shows how the OSIsoft PI System, edge, and cloud technology support different types of analytics for varying audiences – from engineers and managers to data scientists within IT and OT groups..
    Year: 2019

    Analytics in the Age of Renewables

    Year: 2020

    OSIsoft Response to COVID 19

    OSIsoft Response to COVID-19 OSIsoft announced that it has implemented a work-from-home directive for its employees. General 2020-03-13 San Leandro, CA - March 13, 2020 - OSIsoft, LLC , announced that it has implemented a work-from-home directive for its employees, as a precautionary measure to prevent ...