• Delivering High Quality Operational Data for Advanced Analytics

    Advanced analytics tools and platforms allow businesses to ask more from their operational data and obtain new insights. Yet 60% of Big Data projects fail. Simply ingesting raw operational data into your favorite business intelligence tool or data lake creates significant challenges and barriers to success. Problems with data access, data quality, data structure, and outputs from “black boxes” typically lead to unreliable conclusions or predictive algorithms that are never adopted. In this session, we’ll cover the challenges of using new analytics tools with operational data; share how the PI System and the PI Integrators deliver analytics-ready data; show how subject matter experts in operations can easily curate data that can be understood by business and IT operations; and demonstrate how the 3rd party advanced analytics tools from Amazon, SAP, and Microsoft, can consume the data for trusted and quality analytics.
    Year: 2019

    Addressing the Challenges of IT/OT Integration

    In Part 2 of this technical keynote, we will focus on how the PI System helps you to resolve the challenges of OT/IT integration in your digital transformation. As an open data infrastructure for OT (operations technology) the PI System is part of your overall enterprise IT landscape. We will cover PI System's role in any OT/IT initiative as you automate or change an existing business process - and need to map legacy asset or newer IoT instrument/sensor time-series data to transactional ERP/EAM systems (SAP, IBM, Oracle, Infor…). In the big-data and unstructured data context, PI System offers ways to organize and contextualize OT data so it can be combined with business data for layered analytics, including machine learning and AI, pattern recognition, and others. We will review Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, SAP HANA, R, Python etc. with customer examples to explore the What/Why/How.
    Year: 2019

    ABT/DSM (availability based tariff/deviation settlement mechanism) application at NTPC

    Year: 2019

    Asset Framework, Asset Analytics, and Visual Analytics for Critical Operations

    In this session, we will discuss some of the best practices for rolling out Asset Framework across your enterprise, including template design, template management, process governance, hierarchy design and much more. Also talks about learn about the do's and don'ts when rolling out your Asset Framework for analyzing critical operations.
    Year: 2019

    PI System – IT-OT Integration Challenges : Journey of NTPC

    In this session, NTPC will share their journey with PI System and Experience of using PI System as a Realtime Data Infrastructure across all fleet of generation, integrating multiple IT and OT systems, their complexities, developing solutions while addressing Challenges with scalable Architecture.
    Year: 2019