• Paper Excellence Regional Seminar customer story

    The pulp and paper production process extends far beyond what consumers see. Raw materials move through complex processes, leveraging defined recipes and a variety of production assets. However, the amount of raw materials, chemicals, and utilities used on the production floor often vary from stated recipes, requiring pulp and paper companies to reconcile target versus actual usage. For Paper Excellence, the reconciliation process was an end-of-month accounting exercise. Time consuming and lacking transparency, the process left employees looking in the rearview mirror to gather information. While the monthly reports were helpful, the company was unable to make key — and timely — adjustments to reduce costs and inefficiencies. With the help of the PI System™, Paper Excellence integrated its production data into other business systems, including the SAP ERP solution. Not only did this eliminate the end-of-month reports, but the new solution gave users daily production costing insights, empowering them to make informed data-driven decisions.
    Year: 2020

    MKI Announces Partnership Enhancement with U.S.-Based OSIsoft to Provide Their Data Management Software

    MKI Announces Partnership Enhancement with U.S.-Based OSIsoft to Provide Their Data Management Software New Agreement Plans to Bolster Enterprise Digital Transformation in Multiple Industries, Such as Power Generation, Utility Management, and Manufacturing General 2020-06-11 Tokyo, Japan. - June 11, 2 ...

    OSIsoft Japan PI System for beginners Webinar #2

    OSIsoft PI System introduction webinar. PI System customer cases and demo.
    Year: 2020

    Using Advanced Analytics to Support Remote Operations

    Year: 2020

    Digital Transformation in a Zero-Capital Environment

    Year: 2020