• Getting cOMFortable with PI Web API

    With today’s computing power and the low cost of sensors, no data should be out of the reach of your PI System. When dealing with large amounts of critical data, it is important that our data ingress is performant and ...
    Year: 2020

    Food & Beverage Q&A Session - Enterprise-wide Process Optimization for Cargill

    As part of Cargill’s continuous improvement journey, we invest in process control initiatives as a driver for process optimization with the goal of enhancing product yield and quality, and energy and water consumption, while adhering to safe operating limits. One ...
    Year: 2020

    Finding What Matters - Implementing Review-by-Exception RtReports for Manufacturing at BioMarin

    Long batch reports containing non-quality impacting information lead to long, inefficient lot release processes in the biopharmaceutical industry. BioMarin is implementing a Review-By-Exception (RBE) project to reduce batch review time by focusing on what matters for product quality. The journey ...
    Year: 2020

    Forest & Paper Q&A Session - FiberLean Technologies

    FiberLean® Technologies is the leading global producer of Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC). As a Joint Venture between Imerys and Omya, our mission is to further industrialise and proliferate the use of MFC. These natural, renewable, high performance materials have the power ...
    Year: 2020

    Evolution of data Collection and Reporting System for FiberLean Technologies

    FiberLean® Technologies is the leading global producer of Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC). As a Joint Venture between Imerys and Omya, our mission is to further industrialise and proliferate the use of MFC. These natural, renewable, high performance materials have the power ...
    Year: 2020