• The Value Obtained by Timely and Accurate Feeding of the SAP Beast

    At Dow Corning we have integrated various aspect of our supply chain with our ERP/ business systems. This presentation will discuss the value of the work we have completed and the business case of the future work.
    Year: 2003

    PI ACE 2

    With the introduction of the .Net framework, Microsoft has released a new version of Visual Basic called Visual Basic .Net, which is a significant upgrade of Visual Basic 6. PI ACE 2.0 allows developing calculations in Visual Basic .Net.
    Year: 2003

    PI ProcessBook and PI ActiveView

    This talk will highlight the latest improvements to PI ProcessBook and PI ActiveView. After reviewing the new features of the current release, version 2.3, PI ProcessBook version 3.0 will be introduced. As with all major version upgrades, there are significant ...
    Year: 2003

    RtPM: The Path to Operational Excellence (Unlocking Hidden Value in the Enterprise)

    Today's world economy and geopolitics are driving many companies to pursue Operational Excellence as a means of survival. As demonstrated by years of mediocre results from large-scale ERP implementations, Operational Excellence is not achieved by installing bolt-on technology or third-party ...
    Year: 2003

    New Markets for OSIsoft

    New Markets for OSIsoft - Enterprise Network Monitoring (IT Monitor), Regulatory Compliance (CFR21 Part 11) & Web Based Analytics Reporting (RtReports) ...
    Year: 2003