• How PI Played a Key Role in Helping Dofasco Achieve Maximum Asset Reliability

    Dofasco installed the PI System from OSIsoft, a data historian that was being used mainly by the production department. However, they realized that much of this data was also very important to maintenance, but they did not have visibility to the ...
    Year: 2002

    Sigmafine 4.0

    This presentation features the new redesigned Sigmafine. The new Sigmafine is fully integrated into the PI system and is one of the first applications to use the new Application Framework. It is totally modular allowing the user to define data ...
    Year: 2002

    Do you know if your Process is Stable? Dofasco's Advanced Monitoring Applications

    Dofasco has been utilizing PI since 1994 allowing operating and technical personnel to monitor various processes and to facilitate troubleshooting of process upsets. This presentation will describe how Dofasco has derived substantial benefits from the in-house development of advanced monitoring ...
    Year: 2002

    Integrating PI Data into Web-Based Workflow Applications At The Chevron Salt Lake Refinery

    We will present two web-based applications, currently in use at the Chevron Salt Lake Refinery, to demonstrate how seamless, "in-context" delivery of selected PI data to workflow and operator communications systems can significantly enhance a plant's information infrastructure. The ...
    Year: 2002

    PI Tools Lead to Plant Profits

    PI Tools Lead to Plant ProfitsThis presentation will cover how Dow Corning has gone about implementing a variety of PI tools as well as demonstrate our business case and the methodologies we utilized. We will show how we ...
    Year: 2002