• Accessing the PI System using OPC Unified Architecture

    OPC Unified Architecture is the next generation of OPC technology that provides a unified framework for accessing information in a consistent and reliable manner. Current OPC UA technology implements a Service Oriented approach and maps directly into Web Services. OSIsoft ...
    Year: 2009

    SQL Based Data Access

    OSIsoft provides several products for accessing PI System data programmatically. These products are for use in applications built by partners and customers, and are also used by OSIsoft to build our own applications. The data access products range from PI-specific ...
    Year: 2009

    Web Services

    OSIsoft is developing data services that expose time series data and asset information. By "data services," we mean relatively simple services that return time series and non-time series data for both PI points and non-PI data sources. These services will ...
    Year: 2009

    Enterprise Agreement - mPI and Enterprise Services

    OSIsoft's Enterprise Agreement (EA) provides a software purchase methodology that can provide a consistent PI System infrastructure across your Enterprise. The Enterprise Agreement allows deployment of the PI System infrastructure technology in an unlimited fashion and provides enhanced services to ...
    Year: 2009

    AF 2.1 and PI MDB Upgrade

    AF 2 empowers users to move from a tag-centric view of their PI Server to asset-centric view of their PI Infrastructure. Before AF 2, contextual information was stored in PI Module Database (MDB). There are many applications leveraging the PI ...
    Year: 2009