• OSIsoft PIA Multi-Operations Platform for TIGF

    This presentation will show you what TIGF (Total Infrastuctures Gaz France) is doing with the PI System. They will also describe the transition from standard customer to EA customer.
    Year: 2010

    Nalco’s Software+Services Partnership with OSIsoft and Microsoft: Enabling Business Value in Real-Time

    Nalco Company is the world's leading water treatment and process improvement company, delivering significant environmental, social and economic performance benefits to a variety of industrial and institutional customers. They have more than 11,500 employees operating in 130 countries supported by ...
    Year: 2010

    Enabling Connected Worksites

    Caterpillar shares how the PI System is enabling connected worksites within their company.
    Year: 2010

    Enterprise SCADA 2.0 - A System for Decentralized Generation Assets

    Information Technology plays a very important role in wind power generation. The generation sites are often geographically widespread. Forecasts are very important in predicting generation output. Intermittent generation increases the market and transmission integration challenges. Uwe will explain how the ...
    Year: 2010

    Industrial Scale Demand Response

    Demand Response is a smart grid strategy to manage electrical energy transmission and distribution congestion. It may come to your house in the future. For Alcoa, it has been reality since 2005. Alcoa's Warrick Operations Smelter participates in demand response ...
    Year: 2010