• What’s New in PI Analytics and PI Notifications?

    The demand for large amounts of processed data has increased dramatically, and so too has the demand for high performance, generic analytics. Come and see how OSIsoft is integrating StreamInsight (Microsoft's new Complex Event Processing engine) to deliver a new ...
    Year: 2010

    PI System 2010 - Overview

    This session will provide an overview of all the new features in PI System 2010 including improvements to the security, management tools, performance, reliability, and scalability. This session will also discuss some of the future direction of the PI Server ...
    Year: 2010

    Leveraging ACE and AF for Plant Condition and Performance Monitoring

    Tenaska is leveraging PI ACE and PI AF for a fleet wide monitoring system. With the investment in OSIsoft technology across the fleet, having the tools within the platform seemed a logical step. Tenaska partnered with Process Plugins™ to create ...
    Year: 2010

    Using PI for OEM Lifecycle Services and Warranty Support

    Scott Minter of Mitsubishi Power Systems Americas, Inc. will discuss the business value Mitsubishi has gained from utilizing PI in their Remote Monitoring Center. Their Remote Monitoring Center in Orlando, FL watches energy producing turbines in the Americas and Europe.
    Year: 2010

    Mining PI System Data to Improve Profit

    Boise Inc. is a major paper manufacturer and long term PI user. Recently they implemented Envoy Development's Cluster Analysis Tool. This presentation will focus on how they used this data mining tool to save $1.5 million in chemical costs at ...
    Year: 2010