• Direct to Controller and IEC Panel Discussion

    New integration methods are creating the ability to connect a PI System directly to a wind turbine control system. This process allows the owner operator to bypass the manufacturers SCADA system to provide more direct access to the controller. This ...
    Year: 2011

    Driving Performance Management Initiatives at BP Renewables Using the PI System and Ekho for Wind

    BP Wind has implemented the PI System for their Wind Farm operations, under an Enterprise Agreement with BP Renewables. The system is built on the PI System, and incorporates partner solution: Ekho for Wind. The overall solution is being used ...
    Year: 2011

    Opportunities in the Energy Industry - Microgrids

    The debate over what constitutes a fully modern grid is emerging. Utility and technology experts are beginning to openly discuss the need for substantial changes to the way we design, build and operate the power generation and delivery system. They ...
    Year: 2011

    Case Study: Implementing a Non-Residential Smart Metering System

    Most of the hype around Smart Grid is about the residential meters. Smart Papers, the company that manufacturers and markets some of the best premium coated papers in the world, has leveraged aspects of Smart Grid and the PI System ...
    Year: 2011

    Industrial Energy Strategies Workshop Introduction

    Laura Raymond, Buisness Development Manager at OSIsoft, opens this Day Zero workshop with an overview of energy management strategies and how OSIsoft can help your organization pursue these goals.
    Year: 2011