• Short-term Solar Forecasting

    A method for intra-hour, sub-kilometer cloud forecasting and irradiance nowcasting using a ground-based sky imager at the University of California, San Diego is presented. Sky images taken every 30 seconds were processed to determine sky cover using a clear sky ...
    Year: 2011

    Using IEC 61850 and IEC 61400 for Wind Power Systems

    The complexity of renewable energy systems can challenge the capabilities of traditional communications technologies that use number based addressing schemes to access data in devices. Some renewable applications, such as wind power systems, are inherently more complex because they are ...
    Year: 2011

    An Appliance: The Next Evolution in Your Renewables Infrastructure

    An Appliance: The Next Evolution in Your Renewables Infrastructure ...
    Year: 2011

    Voltage Regulation of High Penetration PV

    This presentation investigates the impact of PV integration on the voltage regulation of a radial distribution feeder. Voltage regulation is performed via an on-load tap changer (OLTC) located at the distribution substation and a voltage regulator and fixed capacitor bank ...
    Year: 2011

    Strategies for Running Advanced Analytics Using MATLAB and PI System

    Most wind energy consultants claim that they can easily increase a wind farm’s performance by 1% with the help of specialized tools and techniques (analytical tools, condition monitoring, O&M plan, blade cleaning/balancing, etc.). Unfortunately, none of them have ever properly ...
    Year: 2011