• Welcome(7)

    Ahmad Fattahi and Michael van der Veeken welcome attendees to the third annual vCampus Live! event.
    Year: 2011

    The Importance of Community

    Dr. J. Patrick Kennedy is expected to open Thursday morning with an interesting, informative and engaging discussion about the importance of community.
    Year: 2011

    Asset Utilization with RtDuet and PI Event Frames

    PI Event Frames and the use of templates has created the opportunity for ADM’s RtDuet to become a global software player. RtDuet has a suite of products which now include mobile device apps and a server for event frame data, ...
    Year: 2011

    Challenges and Future Direction

    Jon Peterson, Vice President of Marketing at OSIsoft, will talk about the big picture of OSIsoft technologies and how the community plays an instrumental role in driving it forward.
    Year: 2011

    How Stuxnet Spreads

    The Stuxnet worm is a sophisticated piece of computer malware designed to sabotage industrial assets. The worm used both known and previously unknown vulnerabilities to install, infect and propagate, and was powerful enough to evade state-of-the-practice security technologies and procedures, ...
    Year: 2011