• PI Asset Framework and PI Notifications

    This presentation demonstrates how to publish PI ProcessBook displays to Microsoft SharePoint, publish PI DataLink reports to SharePoint and then build dashboards with PI WebParts that present these and other dashboard components on a SharePoint site. This also describes some ...
    Year: 2011

    PI Batch, Advanced Batch Interfaces and PI Event Frames

    This presentation gives an overview of PI Batch and discusses OSIsoft's plans for PI Event Frames.
    Year: 2011

    Migrating to an Asset Centric PI System(2)

    PI Asset Framework (PI AF) 2010 is an integral part of the PI Server 2010. It allows you to build an asset model of the physical objects in your process and associate asset properties to your data. This asset model ...
    Year: 2011

    Architecture and Best Practices: Recommendations for the PI System

    There is no “one size fits all” approach to security. How secure is secure enough? This question needs to be answered individually by each organization. Whether you are configuring security for a new PI System or reviewing security for an ...
    Year: 2011

    PI System Business Cases

    In this presentation, Mr. Bascur discussed implementing the PI System in Metals and Mining industries. Detailed business cases are discussed.
    Year: 2011