• Managing Backup Power Assets

    Qualcomm delivers increased uptime to the Data Center industry by bringing the control of alerting and status to their fingertips. Qualcomm's IT and Building Services department provide real-time status and alert management of 14 Backup Generators within the San Diego ...
    Year: 2017

    Jumpstart on Lean Six Sigma Initiatives

    With the objective of increasing effectiveness in our management processes, Thurso Mill performed an Asset Based Jumpstart with OSIsoft to implement PI AF. During the workshop, it was identified that the processes behind lab testing, data management and communication flows ...
    Year: 2017

    Leveraging Real Time Data to Significantly Reduce In-Line Quality Issues

    Evergreen Packaging, Inc. is faced with the same challenge as all organizations; to keep costs low and returns high. In-line quality in a 24/7 process can significantly increase cost if not controlled quickly. An intermittent issue during the final steps ...
    Year: 2017

    Using the PI System For Real-Time Energy Management at NASA Langley Research Center

    Federal Mandates set the energy consumption baseline and goals for federal facilities. Sustainable design for new buildings and energy conservation retrofits in older facilities promise energy savings but require adequate metering and monitoring of electrical demand and energy consumption to ...
    Year: 2017

    Forest & Paper Products Users Group Meeting

    Inaugural users group meeting where we will have an open forum for important industry topics. This year we will focus on asset reliability and process efficiency. This session is meant to be a conversation among peers with some guidelines from ...
    Year: 2017