• CBM & Monitoramento Inteligente na FPSO de Frade

    Para habilitar a Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) A Chevron Brasil, em parceria com a Radix Engineering, implementou soluções para monitoramento de válvulas de emergência e monitoramento de limites críticos submarinos usando o PI Event Frames para detectar, registrar e analisar ...
    Year: 2017

    Transformación Industrial Digital(1)

    Year: 2017

    Data Lake or Data Swamp

    Increasingly, businesses of all kinds are beginning to see their data as an important asset that can help make their operations more effective and profitable. As our ability to gather time-series data grows, more technologies are becoming available to help us make sense of it. How do we choose the right technology and approach for our business problems? ...
    Year: 2017

    Caterpillar Customer Story

    Caterpillar is a 90-year-old company that manufactures heavy-duty iron equipment that ranges from engines to diggers to bulldozers. With a slogan of “Built for It,” Caterpillar prides itself on delivering high-quality products so its clients can see return on investment. However, in a digital age, return on investment is no longer limited to equipment functionality, especially for marine vessels. It’s about using sensor data from those assets to improve vessel performance and maintenance strategies. With the help of the OSIsoft PI System, Caterpillar created Cat Connect to apply analytics to raw vessel data and turn it into actionable information.

    Transformación Industrial Digital Part 2

    2017 2017 - Regional Seminar - Buenos Aires Brazil 090 Transformación Industrial Digital General General None Matias Coca Aeroterra Javier Distéfano Aeroterra PPT N/A ...
    Year: 2017