• Sandoz EMEA 2015 customer story

    Sandoz, a subsidiary of Novartis that manufactures generic drugs, is subject to regular inspections from multiple regulatory agencies. In recent years, those agencies have begun focusing more on data integrity and audit trails for all digital records. In a presentation at OSIsoft’s 2015 EMEA Users Conference in Prague, Alexander Haimayer, Head of Data Systems at Sandoz, described how OSIsoft’s PI System helps the company stay in compliance with rigorous data archiving and manufacturing procedures required by the U.S. FDA – just one of the many agencies with jurisdiction over Sandoz’s operations.
    Year: 2015

    SECURE Energy Services case study

    In 2011 when SECURE Energy Services bought the PI System™ for its liquids facilities, the company outlined a roadmap of future applications and target projects for the PI System. The roadmap included everything from creating management dashboards, to training, to process optimization. As part of its most recent roadmap project, SECURE began focusing on heavy equipment optimization in its Processing, Recovery and Disposal division through a pilot project at its landfills. The objective was to improve dozer operations and reduce the cost per ton to process waste.

    Harness Real-time Data to Support ISO50001 Energy Management Systems

    One of the main challenges to mineral processing plants is the efficient management of energy. Energy represents a major cost in metals and mineral processing. The rising cost of energy has a direct impact on the profitability of the operation, especially as the grade of the ore is reduced over time. For example, in copper processing, comminution uses over 50 percent of the total energy used to produce end product. As grade decreases, the energy requirement and cost increases sharply, which significantly reduces profit. Rising energy costs, economic volatility and climate shifts are leading global corporations to adopt Energy Management Systems (EnMS) to manage cost and comply with regulations. While initial energy management systems may address localized conservation efforts, corporate leaders are turning to recognized standards such as ISO50001 to accelerate significant, enterprise-wide reductions in energy use.
    Year: 2015

    OSIsoft partnership with NIST NCCoE

    OSIsoft, LLC is pleased to announce our partnership with the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE).

    Santiago RS 2017 - Cierre

    David Lazcano agradece y cierra el evento Santiago Regional Seminar.
    Year: 2017