• The PI system at the heart of a Mining Integrated Operations Center (ArcelorMittal)

    Mining operations including Load & Haul is the first link in our value chain, a world of giants where every optimization effort is likely to bring great benefits. Drilling, blasting, loading and transportation processes must work together to provide the ...
    Year: 2019

    Microgrid as a Foundation for DERMS (PXiSE)

    Distributed energy management systems (DERMS) play a critical role in an increasingly renewable generation world. But most DERMS have had limited success in meeting a customers’ ultimate need: reliability. And while strong on scheduling and optimization of resources, DERMS cannot ...
    Year: 2019

    Delivering Differentiated Business Value from the PI System Enabled NOV Max IIOT Platform

    NOV has developed the Max IIOT platform, which enables large-scale collection, aggregation, and analytics of real-time equipment data. Leveraging these data and analytics capabilities enables significant improvements in performance and reductions in maintenance costs. In addition, NOV is using these ...
    Year: 2019

    Just Another Weather Application – Evaluating the OSIsoft Cloud Services (Diemus)

    This session will showcase a weather application designed using the new OSIsoft Cloud Services (OCS). A backyard weather station was used as a data source for a live and historical data source. Forecasted data was then added to provide a ...
    Year: 2019

    Data Analytics to enhance Advanced Energy Communities planning and operation (DERNetSoft)

    In today’s energy marketplace, poor energy awareness and a lack of data visibility coupled with the technical complexities of DER integration leads to a gap in local Advanced Energy Community development. DERNetSoft provides a scalable solution to this issue, making ...
    Year: 2019