• Designing OMF into A Multi-function Edge Device (Monico)

    With the proliferation of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Monico recognized the need to introduce two products for machine owners – mCore® SDR and MonicoLive™. MonicoLive is a cloud-based monitoring service built on the Pi System. mCore SDR is ...
    Year: 2019

    Self-directed Analytics and Reporting with OSIsoft Cloud Services (Seeq)

    Seeq is a provider of self-service advanced analytics, reporting, and collaboration. The life-blood of data analytics is data, of course. Seeq excels with high speed, low latency Unfettered access to data; this level of is not a given, many things ...
    Year: 2019

    Petuum Artificial Intelligence Reveals the Goldmine in OSISoft PI Systems Data (Petuum)

    Manufacturing organizations, on their journey to complete automation, have a wealth of historical data from sensors and control systems available. OSIsoft PI Systems create a highly proficient data, standardization and governance layer while OCS delivers the streaming data infrastructure for ...
    Year: 2019

    Shop Floor Collaboration and OEE Improvement with PI System and Shiftconnector (Eschbach)

    This session shows best practices of how chemical manufacturers integrate the PI System and Shiftconnector to create a performance toolkit for the operator teams. See how PI Tags and Event Frames are used to calculate performance targets, visualize batch cycle ...
    Year: 2019

    Day 3 General Session - OSIsoft as an Enterprise Customer

    In our opening session, OSIsoft Product Managers and Engineering leaders will provide an end to end tour of OSIsoft’s Data Infrastructure highlighting new enhancements within OSIsoft’s leading data infrastructure the PI System from Connectivity, Data Management, Data Processing, Visualization, and ...
    Year: 2019