• Enterprise Wide PI System

    Novartis has been using the PI System for over 20 years and on 30 sites to gain insight on manufacturing. The use of the PI System has been evolving over the years and the key challenge is to provide more ...
    Year: 2021

    Transform your operations: enabling new opportunities for collaborative transformation

    Smarter decisions are the driving force behind improved asset reliability and operational performance but today's complexities make reaching those decisions increasingly difficult. Discover our vision for remote operations and how to quickly and easily share contextualized information with the people ...
    Year: 2021

    Enabling the edge convergence of IoT and OT in a managed landscape

    The rapid convergence of IoT and operational technology (OT) means you have to transition to managed software to lower risk and cost. Understand AVEVA's managed software strategy from edge to enterprise, walking through examples where existing PI Server and HMI/SCADA ...
    Year: 2021

    Discover how AVEVA's industrial SaaS solutions accelerate transformational outcomes

    Harnessing over 50+ years industrial experience, AVEVA's SaaS solutions in the cloud accelerate digital transformation and reduce risk by unifying existing on-premises systems and empowering your extended workforce. Discover the role of AVEVA SaaS solutions in your connected enterprise landscape ...
    Year: 2021

    AVEVA's cloud vision and strategy

    Trusted data sharing generates three times more measurable economic benefit says Gartner, but how do you get there? In this session we explore AVEVA's vision for an industrial cloud hub that accelerates digital transformation by extending on-premise systems into a ...
    Year: 2021