• Using PI ACE and the Module Database to Leverage PI

    The MeadWestvaco Escanaba Mill has utilized PI as a data historian since 1988. In December 2001, the Escanaba PI System was migrated from PI-2.x to PI-UDS. Utilization of the PI ACE product in conjunction with the Module Database contributed largely ...
    Year: 2003

    Microsoft .NET + OSIsoft PI – Tracking Catalyst Use and the Corporate Plane

    Microsoft's .NET technology promises significant change in how the Internet is used by business. This presentation reviews how .NET has been used together with the OSIsoft technologies to present and manipulate real-time PI data. Specific reference is made to ...
    Year: 2003

    Yields Reconciliation with Sigmafine in an Agile Refinery

    IPLOM is a Northern Italian refinery characterized by flexible operations. The PI System and Sigmafine were implemented in order to achieve refinery reconciled yields. The reconciliation model, consisting of over 40 layers in order to compose dynamically all the possible plant ...
    Year: 2003

    PETROBRAS Improves Accounting Data Quality with Sigmafine

    PETROBRAS, the largest oil company in Brazil, has made the decision to commission Sigmafine at all 11 refineries. Work began at REFAP Refinery, in Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, the Southest State of Brazil. Sigmafine has been regularly used since June 2002.
    Year: 2003

    Sigmafine 4.0 – The Next Generation

    This presentation discusses what Sigmafine is, how Sigmafine 4.0 differs from Sigmafine 3, and the migration of existing Sigmafine models into Sigmafine 4.0. The Analysis Framework (AF) is the platform on which Sigmafine 4.0 is built and the presentation will ...
    Year: 2003