• Flakeboard Using the PI System and RtEMIS to Monitor and Save Energy

    Flakeboard will be presenting ADM’s RtEMISTM, their Award Winning EMIS (Energy Management Information System) built using the PI System. Through available government grants, Flakeboard received funding for almost 50% of the cost of their PI System and RtEMIS. Flakeboard is ...
    Year: 2011

    Extending Fleet Performance Optimization Strategies

    As energy markets expand geographically, become more interconnected and accommodate more non-traditional generation assets, power generators will need a more convenient and transparent means to compare performance of their assets against other assets within their fleet, against similar units in ...
    Year: 2011

    Improving Data Validation with PI AF

    A key component of Anglo Platinum process information strategy is contextualization of real-time and transactional data using an asset model of the process operations. The OSIsoft PI Asset Framework (AF) was selected as the platform for the asset models. The ...
    Year: 2011

    Finding “The Sweet Spot” in the Paper Mill: Using the PI System to Measure and Visualize Real-time Impact of Operating Decisions on Cost and Quality

    Achieving optimal and repeatable results in a paper mill is complicated by many factors including natural variation in raw materials, differences in operator judgment during production, step changes to process settings between paper grades, and latency between comparable product runs.
    Year: 2011

    Leveraging Real-time Data at University of Alaska, Fairbanks

    The University of Alaska, Fairbanks has been using a PI System for many years to monitor its combined heat and power plant on the main Fairbanks campus. For most of that time, the campus community expressed little interest in that ...
    Year: 2011