• Sustainability - Just Good Business

    Mr. Morneau delivers the Regional Seminar keynote presentation discussing coporate sustainability.
    Year: 2010

    State of the Company

    Mr. Kolz gives the an update on the status of OSIsoft in 2010 and future directions.
    Year: 2010

    Gaining Advanced Insight from PI System Data Using PowerPivot for Excel 2010(1)

    Curt Hertler helps customers understand how to get the most out of their plant data using OSIsoft and Microsoft tools. Prior to joining OSIsoft 14 years ago he was with BP. In this presentation he reviews the concept of 'Self ...
    Year: 2011

    Repairable Component Modeling: Natural Gas Transmission System(1)

    NiSource Gas Transmission & Storage is one of the largest natural gas pipeline companies in the United States. The company operates 14,000 miles of transmision pipeline across 17 states and has 37 storage facilities. New production sources (shale gas) and ...
    Year: 2011

    Reducing Control Room Alarm Loads and Increasing Equipment Availability

    Alyeska Pipeline Service Company has been operating the Trans Alaska Pipeline since pipeline startup in 1977. The PI System has become central to the reliability of pipeline operations. In this presentation Darryl Hammond the former Maintenance Strategies Lead for Alyeska ...
    Year: 2011