• Construção Inteligente de Displays no PI ProcessBook usando VBA e PI AF

    This presentation discusses how Analista de Sistemas uses VBA to automate the sizing, positioning and alignment of objects in PI ProcessBook as well as dynamic objects to link to PI AF attributes rather than linking them directly to PI Tags.
    Year: 2011

    PI Analytics Case Studies: The Tools and When To Use Them

    The PI System offers many ways to perform analyses upon data. This presentation explores those analytics offerings via two case studies of a gas turbine. First, how much generation occurs during ‘normal’ operations? Second, how do we identify that ‘normal’ ...
    Year: 2011

    Fazendo certo da primeira vez

    Hatch, a partner of OSIsoft, presents a discussion on how they operate as system integrators for OSIsoft's PI System.
    Year: 2011

    Substituindo o PHD pelo PI System

    This presentation shows how the PI System was implemented at Suzano Papel e Celulose. Data migration, the involvement of a system integrator and the benefits obtained from the PI System are covered.
    Year: 2011

    Gestão de Ativos em tempo real nas usinas da AES Tietê

    This presentation discusses how AES Tietê and Critical Software used the PI System to obtain information and standardize practices, which ultimatly benefited the operation and maintenance of their plants.
    Year: 2011