• Sustainability Driven by Real-time Data

    Dr. J. Patrick Kennedy opens the keynote discussions with some thought-provoking comments on being ready for the future. The purpose of hosting these Executive Summits is to provide industry leaders, executives and policy makers with an opportunity to understand the ...
    Year: 2011

    What's New with PI High Availability and SDK Updates

    High Availability (HA) for the PI Server helps achieve the necessary uptime. This talk will demonstrate recent enhancements that leverage PI SDK in PI Clients and PI Data Access products to buffer data when disconnected from the PI Server, as ...
    Year: 2011

    PI System for End-to-End Energy Value Chain

    The PI system is currently being used in operational silos within many energy and utility operations. However, many integrated energy and utility companies with generation (including multiple fuel types), transmission, distribution, natural gas storage, natural gas pipelines and customer operations ...
    Year: 2011

    Improving Equipment Availability and Reliability Using the PI System(1)

    PI System user will present on how they utilized the PI System in innovative calculations and data transfer applications, thereby improving process efficicency.
    Year: 2011

    Application Development with PI System

    This presentation will be focused on presenting the value OSIsoft vCampus brings to the end-user and system administrators’ community. Success stories on how end-user challenges have been overcome by significant help from the OSIsoft vCampus Community will be presented.
    Year: 2011