• Power Transformer Simulation Laboratory for Proactive Maintenance

    Since 2008, Hydro-Quebec, one of the largest electrical companies in North America, has undertaken a major project of online maintenance for its power transformers and other transmission apparatus called IMAGINE. The data gathered from diagnostic devices installed on more and ...
    Year: 2012

    Energy Expenditure Monitoring and Musculoskeletal Injuries Evaluation Using PI System 2010

    Last fall, M2M Lab was mandated by Defense Research and Development Canada to build a physiological monitoring system to evaluate human body energy expenditure and related data for musculoskeletal injuries analysis. A few lab ergometers have been retrofitted to communicate ...
    Year: 2012

    HP Containerized Data Center Infrastructure Monitoring Solution

    The Global Data Center Services: Automation Team for Hewlett-Packard was tasked with providing a monitoring solution for a next-generation I.T. infrastructure solution known as a Performance Optimized Data Center (POD). Using OSIsoft's PI System, HP was able to unify infrastructure ...
    Year: 2012

    OSIsoft Products Support ERG Entering the Italian Electricity Market

    The Erg Group is active in coastal refining; integrated downstream; generation and sale of thermoelectric power; steam and gas; and generation of electricity from renewable sources. ERG has two thermoelectric plants with a capacity of 528 MW and 480 MW, ...
    Year: 2012

    Changing the Face of Asset Management - Using the PI System to go Beyond CBM

    Trying to identify troubled assets using traditional maintenance practices is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Valuable employee time is better spent extending the life of critical assets and preventing failures before they occur. Doble is applying a ...
    Year: 2012