• Enterprise Dynamic Performance Monitoring and Diagnostics

    Fernando Romero, General Manager of Automation and Industrial IT at Anglo American Chile talks about enterprise dynamic performance monitoring and diagnostics in the metals, mining, and metallurgy field.
    Year: 2012

    EPRI Smart Grid Substation Labs-Real Solutions to Real Issues in Utilities

    EPRI is currently working on solutions that confront the utility industry. This presentation will introduce the initiatives at EPRI Smart Grid substation labs. The purpose is to help utilities see the value of utilizing the data that exists today within ...
    Year: 2012

    Predictive Monitoring and Diagnostics of Luminant Pulverizers

    Leveraging Luminant's PI System, Engineering Consultants Group have developed a pulverizer monitoring system that utilizes the PI SDK to read and write to the PI System archive with PI ProcessBook and a Web GUI. A new advanced pattern recognition system ...
    Year: 2012

    The Journey of the PI System at Pacific Gas and Electric

    In PG&E Smart Grid Deployment Plan, an enterprise "Data Historian Foundation" was identified as one of the PG&E "Foundational and Cross-Cutting Initiatives". The objective is to implement an enhanced data platform for managing and analyzing operational data with select user ...
    Year: 2012

    Power System Network Applications Model Validation and Maintenance Applications

    Nayeem Mohammad Abdullah and Furqan Ahmad from Vermont Electric Power Company talk about power system network applications model validation and maintenance applications.
    Year: 2012