• Keynote - Welcome

    Introduction, Keynote, General Sessions ...
    Year: 2016

    Keynote - Opening Comments

    Opening Comments by Christoph Papenfuss ...
    Year: 2016

    Real Time Situational Awareness

    Having proper insight into your organization and operations to provide rapid response to equipment failures or external events is critical to minimizing their impact and cost. As distributed assets and personnel grow with organizations so does the importance of understanding day-to-day operations and gaining situational awareness.Join this webinar to see how companies achieve Real-Time Situational Awareness (RTSA) to manage distributed assets and achieve operational intelligence. Industry expert, David Totman, will join us to discuss business impacts and situations where RTSA applies across industries. He will be followed by two use cases from the water industry who will demonstrate how situational awareness improves their day-to-day process and overall business objectives.
    Year: 2016

    Como Melhorar a Eficiencia e Produtividade de Ativos e Minimizar Riscos

    Neste webinar, OSIsoft e Chemtech mostram casos de empresas que já adotam estratégias de gestão de ativos com o objetivo de eliminar riscos, melhorar eficiência, produtividade e reduzir custos. Assista e decubra como:- Acelerar sua jornada a excelência operacional com uma infraestrutura empresarial de dados baseada em seu PI AF- Aprimorar a detecção e resolução de problemas com o novo PI Coresight 2016.Baixe aqui a apresentação ...
    Year: 2016

    Meeting Your Energy Management Mandates

    Navigant Research and OSIsoft team up together to discuss the challenges Federal agencies often face meeting unique Federal mandates and executive orders around energy and facilities. This webinar covers: Why these Federal mandates are important and how to meet themHow other agencies are meeting these needsTips to be more energy efficient and reduce costsDownload the Presentation Slides > ...
    Year: 2016