• Using PI Integrators to Improve the Value of your PI Data(5)

    A critical component of digital transformation is ensuring that the people and tools your organization utilizes can easily access critical sets of data. This past year OSIsoft announced a new class of products called PI Integrators. The PI Integrator for Business Analytics, PI Integrator for the SAP HANA and PI Integrator for Esri ArcGIS are three of the first releases.
    Year: 2016

    NV Energy and How They Use the PI System

    With the ever increasing pressure on O&M Budgets, power generating companies need to get more from less. More run time hours between plant outages, more run time on equipment between maintenance repairs, and more actionable guidance through analytics of plant data.
    Year: 2016

    PI Coresight 2016: New Vision, New Display Editor, New Look and Feel(6)

    Today’s workforce is increasingly mobile, with forecasts predicting that nearly three quarters of the workforce will be mobile within a few years. PI Coresight 2016 brings a new look, exciting capabilities, and marks the first step in the transformation to provide you with an integrated visualization infrastructure.
    Year: 2016

    Digital Transformation with Today's PI System(3)

    Our world is getting smarter and more connected with each passing day. The question that each business must face, therefore, is how to take advantage of this intelligence. One answer is to harness that intelligence to achieve a digital transformation.
    Year: 2016

    Operational Intelligence Panel

    A panel of longstanding customers will share how the PI System delivers business value to their organizations. The moderator will explore with the panel what PI products they are using and how. Panelists will discuss their most recent initiatives with PI as well as providing insights into future plans for the PI Infrastructure.
    Year: 2016