• Thames Water Customer Story

    The OSIsoft PI System is at the center of Thames Water’s “intelligence Hub” (iHub), which merges disparate data sources to drive operational performance. Thames Water can now garner critical insights from its network of water delivery and sewage waste removal systems that span the greater London area. During the 2016 OSIsoft EMEA Users Conference in Berlin, Simon Coombs, a consultant who has spent over 30 years specializing in IT/OT convergence for utilities companies, and Nick Burkinshaw, a 20 year IT veteran at Thames Water, detailed how Thames Water successfully converged IT and OT systems with the OSIsoft PI System.
    Year: 2016

    Evides EMEA 2016 Customer Story

    To better serve its 2.5 million consumers and over 600 large industrial customers, Evides Waterbedrijf created a software platform called GAMEs that leverages the OSIsoft PI System, Esri® ArcGIS®, and TaKaDu to give its employees the power to isolate pipe bursts, monitor water flows, enhance situational awareness, and improve responsiveness across Evides’ extended service territory. Jan Urbanus described the program at the 2016 OSIsoft EMEA Users Conference in Berlin and outlined next steps.

    SunCoke Energy UC 2015 Customer Story

    SunCoke Energy operates six sites in the US and Brazil for the conversion of metallurgical coal into metallurgical coke used in the manufacture of steel. At the 2015 OSIsoft Users Conference in San Francisco, Stephen Reynolds, Manager of Continuous Improvement for SunCoke Energy, described how the company has used the PI System to develop and implement fleet-wide operational intelligence, improve performance, and profitability.

    Qatar Power EMEA 2015 customer story

    Qatar Power is an Independent a in the Ras Laffan Industrial City in the Gulf State of Qatar. Since implementing the PI System, it has been named Power and Water Utility of the Year within the Gulf Cooperation Council in 2012, 2013, and 2014, and, in 2014, was the first Middle Eastern company to receive a Commended Electricity Industry Sector Award. In his presentation, Parshu Borkar, Senior Engineer – Commercial and Performance, explained how his company has leveraged the PI System to optimize O&M, reduce resource consumption, and improve worker safety.

    Mol Pic EMEA 2015 customer story

    Headquartered in Budapest, Hungary, the MOL Group is a leading Central and Eastern European oil and gas company. Over its 75-year history, the MOL Group has expanded to employ over 30,000 people across its facilities in over 40 countries. In the last 18 years, OSIsoft’s PI System has played an increasingly important role in the company’s rapid development. At OSIsoft’s recent 2015 EMEA Users Conference, Tibor Komroczki, Head of Process Information and Automation, spoke about the evolution of the company’s use of the PI System and, in particular, the crucial function the PI System’s unified data infrastructure and Asset Framework (AF) have played in standardizing downstream activities across multiple sites.