• How secure are your PI Systems? A primer for PI System security baselining

    The PI System gathers data from many disparate sources and provides a safe harbor for real time and historical information between the IT and OT networks. In this role, the PI System is a single, defensible point of service for ...
    Year: 2017

    How to Pick the Right PI Developer Technology for Your Project

    Windows? Linux? Mobile device? .NET? Web services? Database? There are so many environments in which you might need to build a PI System application. This presentation will help you navigate this landscape and choose the right tool for the job.
    Year: 2017

    Machine Learning 101 – End-to-End Primer on How to Get Started Using ML with the PI System

    A recent Gartner study has placed Machine Learning (ML) as the top emerging technology over the next several years. Many believe that ML can bring great value to their organizations. Within industrial applications, ML can be applied to a variety ...
    Year: 2017

    Real-time Estimations and Online Learning for Industrial Assets at Total

    Since 2015, one of Total’s ambitions has been to promote a strong data culture among its collaborators to move towards a data-driven and a digitalized industry. In that context, the Refining and Chemical branch has built a data analytics center ...
    Year: 2017

    Digital Transformation Opportunities and OSIsoft's Product Strategy

    In this session you will hear the focus of OSIsoft's Engineering teams. This session will start with a moderated customer panel exploring Digital Transformation opportunities and customer insights which have helped shaped OSIsoft's product strategy. The panel will be followed ...
    Year: 2017