• The Role of PI System in Enabling IIoT(1)

    Haven't we been doing IIoT for decades? What's different? What are the latest technology opportunities and where are the pitfalls? All of these questions will be addressed in the presentation as we explore the role of the PI System in ...
    Year: 2017

    Using Operational Data for the Future Maintenance of the French Rail Infrastructure - French

    SNCF RÉSEAU (NETWORK), an SNCF Group Business Unit, manages, maintains and develops the French rail network. SNCF RÉSEAU embarked on an organization-wide modernization and digitization program to increase the utilization availability of its assets, better plan maintenance and investments. Those ...
    Year: 2017

    Panel Discussion: Lessons learned in edge deployments

    Supply chain asset monitoring often mean deployment at the edge, in many cases this edge is mobile and requires devices. These devices need to be provisioned, managed and monitored to deliver ongoing value. How are PI Customers meeting these challenges? ...
    Year: 2017

    How PI Asset Framework and Event Frames Improved Business Impacts - Customer Panel

    Customers from Power (Duke Power), Pharmaceuticals (Biogen) Chemicals (DAK Americas), Pulp & Paper, Water & Waste Water will discuss how PI Asset Framework & Event Frames addressed Business Challenges and increased the value of their PI System Investment.
    Year: 2017

    Simplifying Complexities of Power Distribution by Implementing PI Asset Framework

    This presentation will discuss Duke Energy's new Distribution Management System (DMS) - a collection of applications designed to monitor and control the entire distribution network efficiently and reliably. 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM How PI Asset Framework & Even ...
    Year: 2017