• Deep dive into Transformer Monitoring with PI

    Just like you and I go for a checkup at the doctors office, station transformers have similar requirements. Although they can't be easily moved we have to treat them as a home visit doctor would treat a home bound patient. ...
    Year: 2018

    Correlating Photovoltaic Power with Irradiance using Operational Machine Learning(1)

    As photovoltaic (PV) capacity increases, variability in the power generated by PV becomes an ever larger contributor to the quality and stability of the electric grid. Managing PV plant variability while maintaining standards of reliability requires a clear understanding and ...
    Year: 2018

    The Modern PI System for AMI Meter Data

    Avista has deployed a variety of automated and advanced metering systems over the past 15 years. In Q3 of 2018, Avista will begin deployment of the latest Itron Riva AMI technology across its Washington service territory. As these metering systems ...
    Year: 2018

    From Paper-Based Processes to a Digital & Connected Utility

    The utility industry has historically been fairly rigid in practice and has prioritized stability over agility. As long as the utility delivered power and water to our customers, with little interruption to services, it was considered to be doing its ...
    Year: 2018

    Icing Prediction on Blade Wind Turbine Using Forecast Data

    Nergica is an applied research center in renewable energies. One of the main topics is the study of the impact of icing on wind turbines. Indeed, ice accretion on blade wind turbine is one of the main power losses when ...
    Year: 2018